December 9, 2003
Town Board Minutes
A regularly scheduled meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Cortlandt was conducted on Tuesday, December 9, 2003 in the Vincent F. Nyberg Meeting Room of the Cortlandt Town Hall, One Heady Street, Cortlandt Manor, NY (10567) with the following elected officials and appointed staff in attendance:
JOSEPH D. CERRETO Councilmember
FRANCES X. FARRELL Councilmember
ANN LINDAU Councilmember
JOHN E. SLOAN Councilmember
Also present: JO-ANN
THOMAS WOOD, ESQ. Town Attorney
to Dir.
Space Coor.
for Aging
Res. Dir.
CATHERINE M. HOFFMAN Dep. Town Clerk/Steno.
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Supervisor Puglisi called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
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Brownie Scouts from Den #7, Frank G. Lindsey Elementary School led all in attendance in a Pledge to the Flag.
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Curtis Scheuber spoke on behalf of the annual Kings Ferry Community Scarecrow Contest participated in by scout troops from the Montrose area. He announced the winners, introducing each member of the winning troops.
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The Employee of the Quarter award was presented on behalf of the Town Board to Carol Conklin by Councilmember Cerreto and Supervisor Puglisi.
She began working in the Town in a part time capacity in 1980, taking full time status in 1990. Carol was presented with a Proclamation
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December 9, 2003
Supervisor Puglisi thanked the Village of Buchanan for hosting the Pearl Harbor Day celebration – a ceremony that is rotated between the Villages and the Town each year. She applauded the contributions made by all of our veterans.
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Supervisor Puglisi advised that later in the meeting there would be discussion about support in making certain the local Veterans’ Hospital does not reduce services at their facility in Montrose.
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The Supervisor noted the passing of Walter (“Skeet”) Kelly, a long time Highway Superintendent in the Town of Cortlandt government, saying he would be truly missed. She conveyed her sympathy to his wife and family.
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Supervisor Puglisi then wished everybody a very happy holiday season, saying we have many things to be grateful for and thankful for in the Cortlandt community and in the nation.
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On a roll call vote taken by Town Clerk Dyckman, all Town Board members indicated their presence.
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Councilmember John Sloan commended the Town’s work force for their record time in working on the recent snowstorm. Because of a lot of cooperation amongst Town employees the plows were quickly ready and they did a superlative job in opening our highways
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Councilmember Frank Farrell said he joins with the Supervisor in noting with sadness the passing of Walter “Skeet” Kelly who he knew to be a real gentleman and dedicated public servant.
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Councilmember Joe Cerreto referred to the proposal by the Veteran’s Hospital to cut services at its Montrose facility. He said they want to reduce it to nothing more than a clinic and send the rest of their cases to Castle Point Hospital in Dutchess County. The Town has voiced strong opposition to this and they have put together a flyer for residents to send to our elected federal officials mandating that this hospital be kept open
Councilmember Cerreto reported that he had mailed the package of “goodies” collected in the Town for him while in Iraq to troops that he had served with. Today he received an e-mail expressing their sincere thanks.
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December 9, 2003
Councilmember Ann Lindau said she had been reminded by a friend that anyone who has served in the Armed Forces and has been honorably discharged can avail themselves of the services offered at the V. A. Hospital.
She thanked Glenn Cestaro for his development of the budget saying he works very hard during this time of the year and deserves a special thanks for coming in for as much of a good budget as possible.
Councilmember Lindau thanked DES and all the employees who run the Town in a safe and secure way for the benefit of our community.
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Councilmember Sloan said the flyer referred to by J. Cerreto will be placed on the Town’s website where it may be downloaded for use.
* * * * * * * * * *
Councilmembers Sloan and Cerreto moved that the minutes of
the regularly scheduled Town Board meeting of November 18, 2003 be approved as
presented by Town Clerk Dyckman. All
voted AYE.
* * * * * * * * * *
(All Public Hearings conducted at this meeting are to found transcribed in full context in the Official Public Hearing Book in the Office of the Town Clerk.)
Public Hearing to consider adoption of the 2004 Town of
Cortlandt budget.
Town Clerk Dyckman presented and read the notice of hearing as had been published in the official Town of Cortlandt newspaper.
Supervisor Puglisi called the hearing to order at 7:54 p.m.
She said at the end of October she and Glenn had appeared on the public access television station, (Channel 78) giving a press conference discussing the financial status of the Town, (which is very good.)
Supervisor Puglisi said by State Law the Town Supervisor must come out with a budget by the end of October. She said it came out with a tax increase of 1.5%. Subsequently, workshops were conducted with board members and department heads. In that interim period, the Town has learned they may have to spend some additional moneys for health benefit issues and snow removal, etc. The proposal that the Town has for this hearing is a 2.5% tax increase.
Supervisor Puglisi and Glenn Cestaro gave a brief overview of the 2004 Budget.
There was no one wishing to speak on the subject and the
Public Hearing was closed at 8:02 p.m. on motion made by Councilmember Cerreto,
seconded by Councilmember Lindau. All
voted AYE.
* * * * *
December 9, 2003
Councilmembers Cerreto and Lindau moved to adopt the following resolutions:
RESOLUTION NO. 363–03 – RE: Amend the 2004 preliminary budget.
Discussion: Glenn Cestaro explained the changes to the various budget lines.
There was no further discussion, all voted AYE.
* *
RESOLUTION NO. 364-03 – RE: Adopt the 2004 Town of Cortlandt budget.
There was no discussion.
All voted AYE.
* *
There was no discussion.
All voted AYE.
* * * * *
Public Hearing to consider construction of a wireless communication facility by Sprint Spectrum L.P. at 477 Albany Post Road or an alternate site under consideration by the Town Board.
Town Clerk Dyckman presented and read the Notice of Hearing as had been published in the officials Town of Cortlandt newspaper.
Supervisor Puglisi said this Public Hearing will be adjourned until the January 13, 2004 Town Board meeting, but since it has been given legal publication, she would entertain any comments at this time.
There was no one wishing to speak and the Public Hearing was
until January 13, 2004 on motion made by Councilmember Lindau, seconded
by Councilmember Farrell. All voted AYE.
* * * * *
Public Hearings to be held simultaneously to consider the following for 2004:
1.) Agreement for the Mt. Airy/Quaker Bridge
Fire Protection District.
2.) Agreement for the Furnace Woods Fire
Protection District.
Town Clerk Dyckman presented and read the Notice of Hearing as had been published in the official Town of Cortlandt newspaper.
Supervisor Puglisi called the hearing to order, saying these are pro forma items that the Town Board does annually.
There was no one additional who wished to comment and the
Public Hearing was closed on motion made by Councilmember Farrell, seconded by
Councilmember Sloan. All voted AYE.
* *
RESOLUTION NO. 366-03 – RE: Adopt a negative declaration in the matter of an Agreement for the Mt. Airy/Quaker Bridge Fire Protection District.
* *
RESOLUTION NO. 367-03 - RE: Adopt a negative declaration in the matter of an Agreement for the Furnace Woods Fire Protection District.
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RESOLUTION NO. 368-03 – RE: Authorize an Agreement for the Mt. Airy/Quaker Bridge Fire Protection District.
* *
RESOLUTION NO. 369-03 – RE: Authorize an Agreement for the Furnace Woods Fire Protection District.
There was no discussion.
All voted AYE.
* * * * * * * * * *
HEARING of CITIZENS, (agenda items only.)
The following residents spoke against the proposed Westchester ARC facility for the developmentally disabled on Gallows Hill Road:
Damian Kelly, 102 Gallows Hill Road. (Presented petition against this location that is made a part of the official Town Board meeting record.)
Ed Bergeman, 105 Gallows Hill Road.
Supervisor Puglisi
commented that she will be sending out a letter to the people of the Gallows
Hill neighborhood announcing an informational meeting within the next four to
six weeks. There is an item on tonight’s
agenda officially receiving and filing the certified letter received from
Westchester ARC, the agency of the group home facility that is proposed. The Town Attorney will be directed to object
to this particular facility in this neighborhood.
Supervisor Puglisi added
that this is the fourth application for group homes in the year 2003 in the
Town of Cortlandt, although there had been only one such facility in the prior
sixteen years of her service to the Town.
Kathleen Schillcock, 186 Furnace Dock Road. Would
welcome a group home in her neighborhood.
Bourdette _____, 100 Gallows Hill Road. Objects only
to the traffic this would generate.
Mary McDonald, 15 Gabriel Drive. Group homes
are necessary. Currently there are no
vacancies for challenged residents.
December 9, 2003
Town Board Minutes
Supervisor Puglisi said
that every member of this Town Board is compassionate and wants to do
everything they can for every single person.
She said the point to this is that there are some places in residential
neighborhoods that is not the proper location for this type of facility. There are forty-three municipalities in Westchester
County. The Town of Cortlandt has done
more than their fair share to help people of special needs than over fifty
percent of the other municipalities in Westchester.
Karen Grexa, 104 Gallows Hill Road. This is a
very busy, heavily traveled road and it would be unsafe for these additional
Councilmember Sloan said
there was 14 pending group home applications last summer when the Town filed a
Freedom of Information. Cortlandt was
the only municipality that had multiple applications. There were only two applications south of
Route 287, one in Yonkers and the other in White Plains. The board has said that Cortlandt is in favor
of its fair share of these kinds of homes.
However, we have not got our fair share.
We’ve got an over abundance of applications simply because we’re an
“economic sweet spot” for the people making these kinds of residences. He said group homes are viable and
needed; the organizations promoting them
are laudable. They should go elsewhere
in Westchester and share the applications.
He said it is quite unfair that we are the recipient of so many
applications and it is for this reason the board consistently opposes these
William Salerno, 12 Northridge Road. Supports
Tamarack Sewer District.
T. Wood: The County Sewer District handles the sewage
treatment facility in Peekskill which the Tamarack Sewer District would need a
trunk line for. That is included in the
annual payment that has been discussed.
Part of that could be paid to the County Sewer District for the
treatment facility.
* * * * * * * * * *
Councilmember Sloan moved that the following monthly reports, as amended, be received and ordered filed, seconded by Councilmember Cerreto:
October, 2003 - DOTS/Water Division.
November, 2003 –
DES/Office for the Aging, Purchasing Department, Town Clerk.
AMENDED to include the Receiver of
There was no discussion.
All voted AYE.
* * * * * * * * * *
Councilmember Cerreto moved that the following documents be received and ordered filed as amended, seconded by Councilmember Lindau:
Reports from DES with respect to the following:
Hollowbrook Lake conditions. (Hollowbrook Lake Homeowners’
J. Cook Pool parking area. (C. Crimmins.)
Speed limit signs in the area of Lake Allendale. (Lake Allendale Homeowners’ Association.)
December 9, 2003
Town Board Minutes
Drainage on Mandy Court. (J. and A. Brot).
Speeding on Lynwood Road. (T. Burke).
Drainage issues in the area of Briar Lane. (R. Weinstein.)
Cynthia Road cul de sac.
(Gull Manor Homeowner’s Assoc., Inc.)
Kavana Building fire zone. (Ms. D. O’Connor.)
Speeding on Sunset Road. (Mary Marussich.)
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Quarterly report dated October 31, 2003 from Westchester County with respect to the Sprout Brook ashfill. REMOVE to January 13, 2004 – “And a summary report from the Director of DOTS with respect to same.”
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September, 2003 inspection reports from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission on Indian Point Units 2 and 3.
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Letter from the Supervisor and Town Board in opposition to proposed cuts to services at the Montrose Veterans’ facility. Forward, also to our Federal elected officials.
Discussion: Supervisor Puglisi advised of the process taken by the Town Board upon receipt of letters, e-mails, faxes from residents of the community with special requests.
There was no further discussion. All voted AYE.
* * * * * * * * * *
Councilmember Lindau moved that the following documents be received and ordered filed the resolution be adopted, as indicated, seconded by Councilmember Farrell:
Report from the Purchasing Director with respect to the
building housing the Purchasing Department.
* *
Letter of Intent from Westchester ARC regarding a proposed residential alternative.
RESOLUTION NO. 369A-03 – RE: Authorize the Town Attorney to respond within the required forty days of notice.
* *
Memos from Councilman John Sloan with respect to the following:
Town sponsorship of a seminar on preventing sale of beer and alcohol to minors.
Northern Westchester Towns’ coalition to study the possibility of State
legislation for a home sales tax for open space funds.
* *
December 9, 2003
Letter from Arcadia Kocybala regarding a Zoning Board of Appeals decision.
* *
courts. AMENDED to refer to DES/Parks, Recreation.
There was no additional discussion. All voted AYE.
* * * * *
(All resolutions adopted at this meeting are to be found in full context affixed to the end of the original copy of this document.)
Councilmember Farrell moved that the following resolutions be adopted, seconded by Councilmember Sloan:
RESOLUTION NO. 370– 03 - RE: Appoint Carol Conklin as the Mail Courier/Messenger to fill a vacancy, effective December 1, 2003.
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RESOLUTION NO. 371–03 – RE: Appoint Denise Lowry to the title “Intermediate Typist” as the Central Receptionist to fill a vacancy, effective January 2, 2004.
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RESOLUTION NO. 372 –03 – RE: Appoint a Senior Recreation Leader to fill a vacancy effective January 2, 2004.
Discussion: Supervisor Puglisi introduced Mr.
Timothy Fisher from the audience, the newly appointed person indicated above.
There was no additional discussion. All voted AYE.
* * * * *
Councilmembers Sloan and Cerreto moved to adopt the
following resolution and order comments to be received and filed:
RESOLUTION NO. 373–03 – RE: Appoint a part time driver for the Office for the Aging to fill a vacancy.
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Receive and file comments on the proposed Tamarack Sewer District received during the ten day period following the November 18, 2003 Public Hearing.
There was no discussion.
All voted AYE.
* *
December 9, 2003
Town Board Minutes
Councilmember Sloan moved for adoption of the following
resolution, seconded by Councilmember Cerreto:
RESOLUTION NO. 374–03 – RE: Refer the proposed Tamarack Sewer District to the Committee of the Whole AMENDED to include “subject to a mandatory notification of the seventy-nine property owners should this subject ever come before the board for forward movement.
Discussion: Supervisor Puglisi said this means
that the proposed Tamarack Sewer District will be going to the table and we
will not be taking any action at this time.
It is a very difficult issue at this time because of the financial
aspect of it. Earlier the Town had been
hoping that we would receive money from Westchester County to offset the cost
of the sewer district. Subsequently the
Town held several other informational meetings with the neighborhood of
seventy-nine parcels. There was a public
opinion survey put out this summer. There
was a simple majority, (52%) in favor of the proposed sewer district. Some people changed their minds and the vote
now is 44, “no”; 31, “yes” and 4 who did
not respond.
The majority of the Town Board now feels the subject
should be tabled, (put into the Committee of the Whole) and within the next
months or years attempt to seek funding to offset costs for the people in the
Councilmember Ann Lindau asked the Town Attorney if a “no”
vote would end this forever versus the Committee of the Whole.
T. Wood answered that after a Public Hearing such as this,
the Town has three options. One is to
vote “yes” which would authorize an application being made to the State
Comptroller for approval of a bond. The
second is to vote “no” which would terminate the process at this time which
means in the future if the board wanted to reconsider it they would have to
start in the very beginning with the engineering process. The third option, the referral to the Committee
of the Whole, which is a procedural process where the decision is put on
hold. It can be further discussed or
extended to see if there is the possibility of modifying funding, etc. If the board at some point determines it
wishes to reconsider it can then bring it back from the Committee of the Whole.
Supervisor Puglisi said that in her opinion it would be
more expeditious, if funding were to become available, to take it out of the
Committee of the Whole for action.
Councilmember Farrell commented that over the last several
years during the formation of this proposed district, the board has
demonstrated its commitment to providing the requested sewer services to this
neighborhood. The expenditure of a great
deal of staff time has been authorized, surveys have been taken and an extra
special effort has been made to contact every member of the proposed
district. At the Public Hearing we heard
from many people and this board owes it to those people to close this chapter,
not to write the end of the story.
Councilmember Farrell said if it goes to the Committee of
the Whole it can be taken out by a majority vote of the board, (3 members) and
they can form the district with no notification to the neighborhood. He doesn’t think that’s fair and he said he’s
never seen it done. He urged Town Board
members to vote against referring the matter to the Committee on the Whole and
to vote either “for” or “against.”
December 9, 2003
Town Board Minutes
Councilmember Sloan said we have lobbied very hard to obtain
funding. He thinks it’s a good idea to
refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole because it gives us leverage any
time the discussion of future funds for sewerage arises. He wondered if we can encumber the board to
hold a mandatory informational meeting if such time as we receive money that
would make the cost a lot less.
Supervisor Puglisi said she would recommend that be
included in the language of the resolution.
Councilmember Sloan said that Councilman Farrell’s
concerns about what future boards can do should be taken seriously, but he
feels that can be avoided by encumbering the board .
Supervisor Puglisi directed the Town Clerk to include in
the language of the resolution that it be made mandatory that this or any Town
Board in the future must contact the property owners in this district if
they’re going to entertain considering establishing the sewer district.
Councilmember Farrell said if other funding becomes
available, at that time the board would be considering a different project than
the one the public hearing was held on just by nature of the receipt of funding
and he thinks it’s an unwise move.
T. Wood said when you exercise one of the procedural rules
to take an item and refer it to the Committee of the Whole, that’s done by the
summary of the minutes and the discussion of the board. That’s not prepared in a written formal
resolution. He said the Town Clerk will
note in the minutes and will then abstract the resolution.
A polled vote of the board taken by Town Clerk Dyckman
was, as follows:
Councilmember Sloan Yes.
Councilmember Cerreto, Yes.
Supervisor Puglisi, Yes.
Councilmember Lindau, No.
Councilmember Farrell, No.
The motion was declared adopted.
* * * * *
RESOLUTION NO. 375 –03 – RE: Express an intent to consider a PVD Special Permit for Jacobs’ Hill located on Route 6.
Discussion: Councilwoman Lindau questioned the
last paragraph of the resolution and asked the Town Attorney to so advise.
T. Wood said the Town has to be the applicant for the
money under County funding because the money is for infrastructure
improvement. If the application is made
at this time and rejected, then this does not become a reality.
This is a resolution of intent. It is not the formal grant of the authority
to build. This is a resolution that
expresses the intent of the Town Board to support following a full SEQRA
review, etc. subject to all the other language before the Planning Board. Even if the process is forward before the
Planning Board, if the application before the County is rejected or turned down
for the funding, the project would stop and would not go any further.
December 9, 2003
Town Board Minutes
T. Wood: So this is
here to allow that part of the process of the County to go forward to see if
they want to entertain making a commitment to even fund the project.
Supervisor Puglisi said it says “Supervisor” because the
Supervisor is the elected official that signs the documents.
Councilmember Sloan discussed DOT approval or lack of
approval within the resolution, referring to Paragraph #1 regarding the
intersection and the traffic light. It
is written correctly in that it expresses what the Town wants, but he does not
want to be in a situation where the project moves along considerably and then
we find that DOT has changed its mind, but the project should continue anyway.
T. Wood answered they would have to go through the
Planning Board process and get preliminary approval. One of the conditions of this would be that
they file with DOT and obtain a permit from DOT for the reconstruction of the
intersection. That would have to be
accomplished before they went to the Planning Board for final approval for the
project. Once it becomes a final
approval then it is a mandated condition of that project that that intersection
be constructed. In addition, this is a
resolution of intent and there will be another resolution of the board. If the Planning Board agrees and approves the
project, the project has to come back to the Town Board for the final grant of
a Special Permit and at that time any deals that the Planning Board has
recommended will be forthcoming.
This resolution specifically requires that before the next
resolution is issued that there be funds posted with the Town to insure
construction of the intersection which means that the intersection be
constructed in accordance with the DOT permit.
Councilman Sloan said he wanted to make it absolutely
clear for the “record” that in his mind the resolution of intent with regard to
Paragraph 1 does not happen in its entirety, to him the project stops.
Supervisor Puglisi said this is a Special Permit
resolution expressing intent by the Town Board for the Jacob Hill project. It’s for senior citizen affordable apartments,
103 units. It’s fifty-eight town houses
of which eight are affordable for fifty-five years and older.
Councilmember Farrell said he wanted to clarify the
contribution of $750,000 for construction of a two million gallon water
tank. He said if DOTS deems that tank be
larger or smaller, he wants the dollar amount to remain the same.
* *
RESOLUTION NO. 376–03 – RE: Establish conditions for dedication of a road by the Town with respect to cost and the Town’s compliance with GASB.
* *
RESOLUTION NO. 377–03 – RE: Authorize the Purchasing Director to seek requests for proposals with respect to television production services promoting local businesses.
* *
RESOLUTION NO. 378–03 – RE: Authorize an Agreement with Westchester County for a grant for special equipment for first responders.
There was no additional discussion. All voted AYE.
December 9, 2003
Town Board Minutes
Councilmembers Sloan and Cerreto moved to adopt the
following resolutions:
RESOLUTION NO. 379–03 – RE: Authorize an Intermunicipal Agreement with Westchester County for Enhanced 911 Service.
* *
RESOLUTION NO. 380–03 – RE: Authorize the Supervisor to execute agreement extensions with the New York State Department of Transportation covering snow removal from state highways within the Town for 2004-5 and 2005-6.
* *
RESOLUTION NO. 381–03 – RE: Authorize an agreement with Cortlandt Self Storage for the storage of Town election machines for 2004.
* *
RESOLUTION NO. 382–03 – RE: Authorize DOTS to evaluate Millington Road with respect to safety and improvements.
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RESOLUTION NO. 383–03 – RE: Authorize a contract extension with Ward Associates for evaluating Sprout Brook Park to include a Junior League baseball field.
* *
RESOLUTION NO. 384–03 – RE: Authorize DOTS to provide further in-house evaluation of the proposed Youth Center on Memorial Drive.
* *
RESOLUTION NO. 385–03 – RE: Authorize DOTS to perform an in-house interior design evaluation with respect to the community space at the Town Center.
* *
RESOLUTION NO. 386–03 – RE: Authorize an in-house design and landscape evaluation with respect to the Town Hall entrance and courtyard.
* *
RESOLUTION NO. 387-03 – RE: Authorize requests for proposals for survey services for the proposed traffic signal at Locust Avenue and Oregon Road.
* *
RESOLUTION NO. 388-03 – RE: Authorize DOTS to contact NYS DOT regarding the concept of a Streetscape/Boulevard project for the Route 6 corridor.
There was no additional discussion. All voted AYE.
* * * * *
December 9, 2003
Town Board Minutes
Councilmember Lindau moved for adoption of the following
resolutions, seconded by Councilmember Farrell:
RESOLUTION NO. 389-03 – RE: Amend the Town Vehicle Policy. AMENDED to direct Director of Human Services to forward to all staff. (as per request by Councilmember Lindau.)
* *
RESOLUTION NO. 390-03 – RE: Adopt the 2004 Capital Improvement Plan.
Discussion: Supervisor Puglisi said this is a
local law that the Town Board adopts every year. Staff works on this tool and a five year plan
during the course of the year. It is an
efficient, prudent way of working on
projects for the community.
* *
RESOLUTION NO. 391-03 – RE: Adopt the Town meeting schedule for 2004.
* *
RESOLUTION NO. 392-03 – RE: Authorize amendments to the 2003 budget.
Discussion: Glenn Cestaro said this resolution
authorizes the Town Comptroller to make any necessary amendments to the budget
for this fiscal year while preparing for the year end audit and any transfers
he deems necessary because of over expenditure of funds. The resolution is pro forma – every year it’s
the same thing.
* *
RESOLUTION NO. 393-03 – RE: Schedule a Public Hearing for January 13, 2004 to consider a Local Law with respect to tax exemptions for qualifying senior citizens and persons with disabilities.
There was no further
discussion. All voted AYE.
* * * * * * * * * *
Councilmember Farrell moved to add the following items of
business to the agenda, seconded by Councilmember Sloan. All voted AYE.
Councilmembers Farrell and Sloan moved that the following documents be received and ordered filed and the resolutions adopted:
Report from DOTS regarding East Frances Drive right-of-way.
* *
Report from DOTS on proposed amendment to Resolution No. 223-03. Refer to Planning Board for their recommendation.
* *
Report from DOTS regarding Route 202 and Croton Avenue intersection.
* *
December 9, 2003
Town Board Minutes
ADDITIONS to the AGENDA, (cont,)
Letter from residents in the area of Red Oak Lane, Hill and Dale Road and Dimond Avenue regarding school bus services. Refer, also, to DOTS and DES.
* * * * *
395-03 – RE: Authorize amending the
temporary service list.
* *
RESOLUTION NO. 396-03 – RE: Appoint a member to the Employee of the
Quarter Committee to fill a vacancy.
* *
RESOLUTION NO. 397-03 – RE: Authorize a work change order for Skylark and Hillcrest watermain replacement.
There was no discussion. All voted AYE.
* * * * * * * * * *
Speaker: Jean
Freedman, 11 Tamarack Drive.
Subject: Agrees with
Councilmember Farrell that a Public Hearing is necessary for an important
vote. It’s not fair to come up with a new
plan and vote without any input.
* *
William Salerno, 12 Northridge Road.
Subject: What
assurances do residents have that future boards will continue to seek
funding. Questioned board members regarding
Committee of the Whole and said it seems as if the board was trying to placate
* *
Martin O’Boyle, 24 Tamarack Drive.
Subject: What is the
time limit for an item in the Committee of the Whole.
* *
_________, Tamarack Drive.
Subject: Would we be
the first to get money if it becomes available
* * * * * * * * * *
Cerreto and Lindau moved the meeting be closed at 9:30 p.m. Supervisor Puglisi asked that everyone rise
in respect to the memory of Walter “Skeet” Kelly.